Planned Giving
Leave a Lasting Legacy
Planned Giving
Wills & Trust Language
Bequest language that can be used in a gift by will or living trust:
I give and bequeath to Home Mission Sisters of America, Inc., a not-for-profit corporation organized under the Laws of the State of Kentucky and having it's principal office at 200 E 18th Street, Owensboro, KY 42303
- Leave us in your will
Learn how you can give gifts that truly make a difference, that ensure a level of support that magnifies our ability to fulfill our mission .. and multiplies your personal satisfaction and recognition.
- To make a cash bequest
The sum of $__ to be used by St. Vincent de paul - Diocesan Council of Western Kentucky, inc. for its general purpose.
- To give a percentage of the estate
__% of my estate to be used bySt. Vincent de paul - Diocesan Council of Western Kentucky, inc. for its general purposes.
- To give a residual amount or remaining interest
The rest, residue and remainder of my estate after all debts, expenses and taxes have been paid and all the general and specific bequests have been made to be used by St. Vincent de paul - Diocesan Council of Western Kentucky, inc. for its general purposes.
- To give a tangible asset or property